Monday, January 14, 2013

Biggest Loser - ME!

I'm watching Biggest Loser right now and I love Jillian, even though she's psychotic. I think her being crazy pants in the beginning makes the contestants want to please her even more later down the road because they love the positive praise. I think they want to please Bob and Dolvett because they all have crushes on them. Man crushes included.


Last week during the show I was like "OMG I don't want to be like these people" so I signed up for Weight Watchers. Again. This will be the 4th time. The very first time I lost 40 pounds and then vacation happened so I fell off the wagon and haven't been as successful since. THIS TIME I'M GOING TO DO IT.

So I weighed myself today after the first week and lost 7.1 pounds! Woot woot!

I'm going to post the totals every week as a means of holding myself accountable. The honeymoon phase this time is going to last for the rest of my life rather than 2 weeks.

1 comment:

  1. You can do it! I wish I could motivate you from person experience, but these days I am glad if I make it to the gym once a week.

    I never watch that show, but the other day it was on before Downton Abbey (I was changing stations) and I noticed they make them take off their clothes when they weigh in. That's fucked up. As if those people need a reason to feel more insecure. It kind of made me hate the show.
