Sunday, June 16, 2013

New Changes, New Challenges

Just like I hinted in my last post, our yearly plan has changed again. Since I last updated this blog my assignment in the San Juan Islands got cancelled by the facility, reason unknown. I took a new assignment in Montesano, WA. On our road trip from North Dakota to Washington we stopped in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho and I felt so homesick for it. I met my old coworkers for drinks and they told me about a job opening in a facility where they now worked. Paul met with his boss for coffee and found out his old position was open again. Having the potential for us both to secure full time permanent jobs again seemed like fate was telling us to stay in CDA. We talked it over and decided to cash in our chips and do it.

The only problem was that I had accepted the position in Montesano and needed to fulfill a 30 day cancellation notice. We decided to gamble and not accept housing in Montesano and instead focus on finding permanent housing in CDA.

Unfortunately, the start of my contract came before we were able to rent a house in CDA. Currently Paul is staying in my friend's lake cabin until she has renters come on the 22nd. I'm living in a motel. My dogs are with Paul but we don't know what to do with them once he becomes homeless as most hotels won't take dogs. Paul also has to go through the usual motions of securing his job: his boss initially said it was absolutely his but now there is a minuscule chance he may not get it due to politics.

I know there are many others who have it MUCH harder than I do but I can't help feel a little sorry for myself right now. I'm by myself, away from everyone I know, and there are so many unknowns in my future right now. I'm lonely and miss my hubby and my fur-kids.

I need to remind myself that im thankful to have a job and own the decision we made to stay in Coeur d'Alene, which we love. Traveling had even more unknowns and it was stressful trying to find short term housing at places that accepted two dogs. We just didn't anticipate the stressors that would accompany this decision as well. Life hands one challenges at every turn. It's how we handle them that makes all the difference.

1 comment:

  1. I've been reading your posts on FB wondering, "what is going on in Shannon's life!" Then I remembered, I should be checking your blog!

    I'm sorry to hear about all the stress. In the end, I bet it will all be worth it. Coeur d'Alene is so beautiful and it sounds like you will really be happy there. All of this will help you really appreciate what you have once you have it.

    I see this post was written a couple of weeks ago, I hope things are better already. If you get lonely, give me a call. I'd love to chat!
