Sunday, February 24, 2013

Best Picture 2013

Tonight is the Oscars! I love award shows and I'm really excited for this one because I've actually seen a lot of the Best Picture nominees. I'm going to recap and review the ones I've seen


 Paul and I kind of saw Argo by mistake. We had wanted to go to something else (I can't remember what it was) and missed the showtime. I'm so glad we went to see this film about the rescue of 6 Americans from Iran during the 1979 hostage crisis. It is definitey a movie like story, with the CIA and Hollywood joining forces to make a fake film crew to enter Tehran and help these people escape. I thought it was really great because it's a wonderful story, well written and well made, and actually looked authentic. The type of film they used to shoot it, the costumes and set designs all made it look like it was actually filmed in the 1970s. I remember being in the theatre during the escape scenes literally on the edge of my seat. I knew what was going to happen because it's a true story, but it was so suspenseful. I have a feeling this one is going to win the big prize. 

Beasts of the Southern Wild

Let me start of by saying: This little girl is SO FREAKIN CUTE. Paul and I rented this movie one night after I heard it was nominated for a bunch of awards. This was one of those movies I would have said was just "OK" if I hadn't known it was critically acclaimed. This is not because I'm a snob but the opposite. Knowing that it was up for a bunch of awards allowed me to increase my attention and know that I should look out for things that make it great. First of all, the actors in this movie are pretty authentic. The lead actor actually works in a bakery in New Orleans and isn't even an actor. He just showed up and they cast him! The little girl has a big career ahead of her if she so chooses. The movie is about the after effects of communities who live in the swampy parts of NOLA - very poor, uneducated, superstitious people. I don't really get what the "beasts" are supposed to represent, probably the little girl's imagination and how it allows her to get through this hard life.

Django Unchained

Paul and I saw Django after I asked my Facebook peeps which movie I should see out of a couple new releases had come to theatres. I like Quentin Tarantino and I liked this movie overall but I didn't like all of this movie. Tarantino has a reputation of having a lot of gruesome and bloody scenes in his movies but there were a couple in this film that I couldn't even watch. During some of the scenes I had my ears plugged and eyes shut because they were so disturbing. I understand why Tarantino does it but maybe I'm just a softy and don't like to be uncomfortable (which is what he wants). But like I said, overall I liked this film. I find watching Christoph Waltz acting in anything a treat. He could be in a Pizza Hut commercial and it would be great. I really hope he wins the Best Supporting Actor award!

Life of Pi

Paul and I saw this film in the theatre (I think it was the last one we saw when we were in Idaho!) and in 3D after hearing the recommendation to do so by Roger Ebert (film critic). SO AMAZING. If any film deserves to win for its cinematography it's this one! Beautiful and artistic. Paul and I read this book back when we were separated by 4000+ miles for many years and we had our own two person "book club." We loved the book and I couldn't picture how they could make a book that required so much imagination into a movie. Ang Lee did an amazing job bringing it to life. For those of you who don't know its about a boy who loses his family to a shipwreck. His family was transporting all of their zoo animals across the Pacific from India to Canada to start a new life. When the ship sunk only a few animals and the boy survived. They had to share a lifeboat and it's a great story about survival, life and death, faith, and perseverance. Read the book then see the movie!

Silver Linings Playbook

This movie has no chance of wining best picture but I'm just glad it got recognition because it really is a great film. Paul and I saw this in the theatre (in Texas!) a few weekends ago. It's one of those movies that touched me so much that immediately after the credits ended I turned to Paul and said, "That's one I want on DVD." And I buy maybe 2 DVDs a year! It's a movie about mental illness, friendship, love, hope, and acceptance. Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper have so much range from big popular "fluff" movies (Hunger Games and The Hangover) to this. I thought it was a very honest portrayal of what those who have mild-moderate mental illness go through trying to reenter society and fit back in to an old life that helped them enter their downward spiral in the first place. The family dynamics are so interesting in this film! It's also a good story about letting go, trust, and being vulnerable.

That's it! The only ones I didn't see are: Amour, Lincoln, Zero Dark Thirty, and Les Miserables. I hope to see these very soon!

(all photos taken from


  1. I LOVED Silver Linings Playbook - it was my favorite film this awards season. I liked it so much I went TWICE. I wish it actually had a shot at winning!! I think Robert DeNiro needs to win Best Supporting actor for this role because he was AMAZING! Every time he was in a scene, I was focused on him.

    I think the big award comes down to Lincoln and Argo with Argo having the edge. Ahh, I'm so nervous and excited!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Loved reading your little synapses! I was too lazy to do that on my blog :)
    I was especially interested in your assessment of Beasts of the Southern Wild, sounds good. I think I will eventually see that.

    Also interesting to hear what you thought about Django and Argo, though you will see I completely disagree with you on Argo ;-) I am glad we can agree on Waltz.

    You made me wish I would have seen Life of Pi and think now maybe it should win best cinematography.
    Can't wait to see what happens!

  4. Awesome. Paul just pointed out that I wrote synapses instead of synopses...nice one.

  5. LOL I read it as synopses. Clearly our synapses are not working properly.
