Monday, December 31, 2012

See Ya Later 2012!

So I know a lot of people have been waiting for me to update this site for a good long while. And I'm SORRY that I am terrible about blogging. But to be honest I felt like my life was so average and boring that I wasn't excited about posting because I thought people wouldn't care about what was going on.

But in the last couple of weeks people have been telling me left and right to update this thing so here I am! It's the end of 2012 and a lot has happened in the last week.

Paul and I moved from Idaho. To North Dakota. To Texas. In like 10 days! Everyone is so confused because our previous address was Idaho, our permanent address is North Dakota, but our mailing address is for Texas. I have to keep our address in ND for tax purposes because 2013 is going to be a peach of a year for taxes for us.

Let me explain ...

I'm going to be doing traveling occupational therapy for my job. For those that don't know, this means that every 3-4 months Paul and I will be packing up all our crap and moving around the country. Our first assignment is in Texas because neither of us have been here and we wanted to be somewhere warm for the winter. As a traveling OT, I go to random facilities that are desperate for therapists due to staffing issues. So I'm going to be working at the State Supported School in Lufkin, TX working with adults with developmental disabilities from January to May. Then in May we will pack up ship and move to a new place, which currently is TBD. (We are throwing around Seattle, Chicago, and Minneapolis as ideas if anyone wants to weigh in. All 49 states minus Hawaii are eligible and the only reason Hawaii is not is because we need to take our dogs and Stella isn't allowed on most planes.)

Paul will be working as an indepedent IT consultant from home. He started his own company and now brags about being a CEO. His first client is his old employer from Coeur d'Alene. He will work part time and in the fall will start classes for his bachelor's degree in software engineering or something (computer stuff is his forte not mine so don't even ask me what that is!). He will do his degree all online so he won't have any trouble continuing to complete it while we travel. Being his own company means he will have to file taxes quarterly (we think). H&R Block will be our friends for the next few years I'm thinking....

So far Texas is ... interesting.

Things I like so far: The accent, cowboy boots, the weather, the landscape (I'm in deep east Texas where there are lots of trees and wooded areas), new foods that are so stereotypically southern like deep fried pies!.

Things I don't like plus general observations: Minnesota/North Dakota Nice definitely doesn't apply here. People aren't MEAN but they just aren't as friendly as people from the upper mid-west. On a gereral basis. Also people are obsessed with pick up trucks here. Like they get the front row parking spots in front of restaurants. That is a total coincidence but it seems like they do. Most of the shops are made of sheet metal and plywood or are just out of people's homes. The road I live on is barely paved. Folks love fried chicken and Dollar stores in these here parts, yall.

But really it's not all bad. The town I work in has a Target, a Buffalo Wild Wings, and Old Navy so I feel like I still live in civilization.

I've found one neglected dog that is skin and bones and tied to a tree a few streets down from where I live so I have to call animal control once I perform a covert operation to figure out the owners address. I've driven by there like 10 times already and I'm worried the next time I do I'm going to get a shotgun aimed at my car so I have to scope it out at night. Wish me luck!

2012 was a pretty great year. We went to Costa Rica, saw family and friends, had steady work, and enjoyed life as a family. My grandma died, which sucked big time. That's really the only negative I can think of off the top of my head. If I forgot something negative that happened, spare me the reminder please!

I don't think I'm going to set any resolutions this year because our environment and lifestyle is going to change so much. I'm going to continue to try to eat healthy as much as I can, work hard, have fun, read a lot, and enjoy life. That will make 2013 awesome!

PS Kanye West and Kim Kardashian are having a baby. Just thought you should know.


  1. Yayyy an update! Thanks for all the info - I was so confused about where and what you were going to be doing but now it all makes sense!

    I know what you mean about leaving the upper midwest and people not being as friendly. People here aren't mean but there seems to be an every man is an island sort of vibe. Overall, I have loved NC because it is so damn easy to live here - the weather is great, its not too big and there are beaches!!!!!

    Congrats to Paul for starting his own business! That is super cool - best of luck to him in work and school!

    Also, good luck with your new traveling OT career! These places you will be working for will be very lucky to have you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Love the new blog! It looks great. I can't wait to hear all about your 2013! And don't worry about being boring. Now that you will be on the move you should have plenty of material...and even when you think things are boring, your friends still want to hear about it!

    Sounds like Texas is a little weird, but I am sure you will get used to it. I am sad about that poor dog. Good for you taking initiative and calling animal control.

    Good luck with everything as you get settled in your new life!

  4. PS: I will try and keep my blog up a little more, too! Sara, you should do the same!
